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BEULAHPRESCHOOL aims to teach the youngest of God's children to be his disciples using God's word with creativity, fun and excitement.
We believe that planting seeds in preschool children, along with prayer and nurturing, will lead to salvation during childhood and youth.
drop off
Check-in begins at 8:45 on the second floor of the children's center.
9:15 & 10:30

first hour
Your child's Sunday will begin with an activity, bible story, memory verse, and craft followed by a snack in the classroom.
Each month, they will learn a memory verse.

second hour
2s, 3s and 4s rotate rooms every 20 minutes for:
· Bible Story Movie
· Craft – Associated with the Bible Story for the week
· Free play in our playroom

pick up
Preschool activities end once the main service is over. You can pick up your child where you dropped them off on the 2nd floor.

what to expect in preschool park:
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